Troubleshooting for F100
Troubleshooting for F500
Put the appliance on the dock after mopping the floor. Then a puddle of water is found under the appliance on the dock.
When the dirty water level reaches the inlet of the dirty water tank and the appliance is stopped, the dirty water may leak from the inlet to the cleaning roller and the dock. So, after mopping the floor, please dispose the dirty water in time.
After mopping the floor for several minutes, the clean water insufficient LED light blinks while there is enough water in clean water tank. Then the appliance stops.
This may be caused by the single way valve of the rubble cover of the clean water tank. You can take out the clean water tank, open the clean water tank cover, pinch the single way valve and check if there is anything blocked the valve. Then install it back to try again. If this won’t help, contact service center for further support.
When mopping the floor, dirty water spills from the hole of the dirty water tank.
There is a red float inside the dirty water tank. When the red float handle rises over the dirty water tank top housing, it tells the dirty water is approaching the max level. If you do not dispose dirty water in time, the dirty water will spill from that hole.
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